nbn™ Support FAQs

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What is Metwide Communications nbn™?

Metwide Communications nbn™ is a broadband service delivered to you over nbn™, Australia’s new fibre network, using a variety of different broadband technologies provided by nbn™ Co. There are currently four ways Metwide Communications can connect customers to the nbn™ network:

  • nbn™ network over Fibre to the Premise (also known as FTTP): NBN Co runs fibre directly to a customer’s home. NBN Co needs to install an nbn™ utility box (outside your home) and an nbn™ connection box (inside your home) to allow you to connect to the nbn network. On sign up we will determine if you need an appointment.
  • nbn™ network over Fibre to the Basement/Building (also known as FTTB): Fibre is run to a multi-dwelling unit (typically an apartment building), with existing internal copper wiring within the building used to connect a VDSL service (Very-High-Bit-Rate DSL). Customers connect via their modem to the existing telecommunications socket. If you have an existing service on the line you will experience downtime until we get you connected.
  • nbn™ network over Fibre to the Node (also known as FTTN): Fibre optic cables are run from the telephone exchange to a street node or pillar and then the existing telecommunications copper lines are used to deliver broadband to the home. Customers connect via their modem to the existing telecommunications socket. If you have an existing service on the line, you will experience downtime until we get you connected.
  • nbn™ network over HFC (also known as Hybrid Fibre Coaxial): NBN co uses the existing HFC networks (e.g. cable internet and Pay TV). Depending on your situation, nbn co may need to install an nbn™ utility box outside your house. NBN co will install an nbn™ connection box inside your house near a HFC wall plate/socket. On sign-up, you will need an appointment.
What do I need to consider before signing up for Metwide Communications nbn™ FTTB/FTTP/HFC?

Fibre to the Basement/Building (Metwide Communications nbn™ FTTB)

If NBN Co is re-using the existing wiring in your building, an nbn™ installer will need to connect the wiring to the nbn™ node in your building. You will need to work with your building manager to ensure the installer has access to the communications room where the node has been installed. Once your line is connected to the nbn node, the nbn installer will need access to your place to test the line so you need to make sure you are home.

If you have an existing service on your line (e.g. phone, fax or internet), access to that service will be lost during the connection of your Metwide Communications service so you may experience downtime while we complete your order. Your existing provider will be notified by NBN Co when your phone line is disconnected. Once your landline phone service is lost, you won’t be able to make calls or port your telephone number. We suggest you use a mobile phone to make voice calls in the interim.

Fibre to the Premise (Metwide Communications nbn™ FTTP)

If you already have your nbn™ connection box installed then you should think about the following before signing up:

  • • Do I have enough free space for my modem near my nbn™ connection box?
  • • Do I have a free power point for my modem near my nbn™ connection box?
  • • Do I want my modem to be installed where my nbn™ connection box is?

If you answered ‘no’ to any of the above, whether you choose Metwide Communications or any other service provider, you will need to engage an electrician to re-wire the connection between your nbn™ connection box and your modem. This will allow you to connect your modem to the nbn™ connection box, and position your modem where you want it to be.

If you already have an nbn™ utility box installed, but don't yet have an nbn™ connection box installed then you can proceed with ordering your Metwide Communications service; we’ll work with NBN Co to organise an appointment for an nbn™ installer to come to your home to install an nbn™ connection box.

Prior to your NBN Co appointment, you should have a think about where you would like your nbn™ connection box installed. Some of the things you should consider when selecting a location:

  • • Ensure there’s a free power point within 3 metres of where the nbn™ connection box will be installed
  • • Ensure the nbn™ connection box is installed as close as possible to where the modem will be located in your home
  • • Ensure you’ve considered the light that the nbn™ connection box emits e.g. it may not be a good idea to install it in a bedroom
  • • Ensure the nbn™ connection box is not installed outside your property, in the garage, in a wet area or in a hard to reach location.

Note: A standard nbn™ installation only allows for 40 metres of fibre optic cable connecting the nbn™ utility box (located outside your home) to your nbn™ connection box (located inside your home).

HFC (Hybrid Fibre Coaxial)

NBN Co is using existing HFC networks (e.g. cable internet and pay TV) to connect customers to the nbn™ network. Depending on your situation, you may need nbn™ equipment outside your house, but nbn™ Co will use any existing HFC infrastructure previously installed. An nbn™ installer will need to install an nbn™ connection box inside your house near an HFC wall-plate/socket.

Please ensure you have enough power points near your HFC wall-plate/socket to power both the nbn™ connection box and Metwide Communications modem, as well as any existing cable services (e.g. pay TV) that you want to keep.

If you have an existing cable service (e.g. internet or pay TV), access to this service will be lost during the installation of the nbn™ equipment and activation of your service. During the installation process, NBN Co will install an HFC radio frequency splitter to allow your existing services to work after the installation is complete. It is NBN Co’s responsibility to make sure your existing services still work after installation, so please get in contact with the nbn™ installer or with NBN Co if you have any issues.

If you no longer require any of your existing services after your Metwide Communications service on the nbn network is activated, please contact your current provider to disconnect that service.

Fibre to the Basement/Building (Metwide Communications nbn™ FTTB)

If NBN Co are re-using the existing wiring in your building, an nbn™ installer will need to connect the wiring to the nbn™ node in your building. You will need to work with your building manager to ensure the installer has access to the communications room where the node has been installed. Once your line is connected to the nbn node, the nbn installer will need access to your place to test the line so you need to make sure you are home.

If you have an existing service on your line (e.g. phone, fax or internet), access to that service will be lost during the connection of your Metwide Communications service so you may experience downtime while we complete your order. Your existing provider will be notified by NBN Co when your phone line is disconnected. Once your landline phone service is lost, you won’t be able to make calls or port your telephone number. We suggest you use a mobile phone to make voice calls in the interim.

Fibre to the Premise (Metwide Communications nbn™ FTTP)

If you already have your nbn™ connection box installed then you should think about the following before signing up:

  • • Do I have enough free space for my modem near my nbn™ connection box?
  • • Do I have a free power point for my modem near my nbn™ connection box?
  • • Do I want my modem to be installed where my nbn™ connection box is?

If you answered ‘no’ to any of the above, whether you choose Metwide Communications or any other service provider, you will need to engage an electrician to re-wire the connection between your nbn™ connection box and your modem. This will allow you to connect your modem to the nbn™ connection box, and position your modem where you want it to be.

If you already have an nbn™ utility box installed, but don't yet have an nbn™ connection box installed then you can proceed with ordering your Metwide Communications service; we’ll work with NBN Co to organise an appointment for an nbn™ installer to come to your home to install an nbn™ connection box.

Prior to your NBN Co appointment, you should have a think about where you would like your nbn™ connection box installed. Some of the things you should consider when selecting a location:

  • • Ensure there’s a free power point within 3 metres of where the nbn™ connection box will be installed
  • • Ensure the nbn™ connection box is installed as close as possible to where the modem will be located in your home
  • • Ensure you’ve considered the light that the nbn™ connection box emits e.g. it may not be a good idea to install it in a bedroom
  • • Ensure the nbn™ connection box is not installed outside your property, in the garage, in a wet area or in a hard to reach location.

Note: A standard nbn™ installation only allows for 40 metres of fibre optic cable connecting the nbn™ utility box (located outside your home) to your nbn™ connection box (located inside your home).

HFC (Hybrid Fibre Coaxial)

NBN Co is using existing HFC networks (e.g. cable internet and pay TV) to connect customers to the nbn™ network. Depending on your situation, you may need nbn™ equipment outside your house, but nbn™ Co will use any existing HFC infrastructure previously installed. An nbn™ installer will need to install an nbn™ connection box inside your house near an HFC wall-plate/socket.

Please ensure you have enough power points near your HFC wall-plate/socket to power both the nbn™ connection box and Metwide Communications modem, as well as any existing cable services (e.g. pay TV) that you want to keep.

If you have an existing cable service (e.g. internet or pay TV), access to this service will be lost during the installation of the nbn™ equipment and activation of your service. During the installation process, NBN Co will install an HFC radio frequency splitter to allow your existing services to work after the installation is complete. It is NBN Co’s responsibility to make sure your existing services still work after installation, so please get in contact with the nbn™ installer or with NBN Co if you have any issues.

If you no longer require any of your existing services after your Metwide Communications service on the nbn network is activated, please contact your current provider to disconnect that service.

What information do I need to sign up to Metwide Communications nbn™?

Check your address to find out if the nbn™ network is available at your address. Then to sign up, we'll need the following:

    • Service address (where the Metwide Communications nbn™ service will be connected)
  • • Full name
  • • Date of birth
  • • Email address
  • • Mobile number or other contact number
  • • Driver's licence, or other identification details
  • • Modem delivery address (if different to your service address)
  • • Credit or debit card details
I’m renting, what do I have to do to get connected to nbn™?

You need to get the property owner’s permission to install an nbn™ Connection Box at the property before you can be connected to the nbn™ service. We recommend you speak to your property manager or land lord to discuss the connection.

I live in an apartment block. Will I have access to the nbn™?

You sure will. But make sure that your Body Corporate has registered to be upgraded to the nbn™ so the design work can be completed.

Do I need a phone line to get Metwide Communications nbn™?

No, you don’t need a phone line to get connected to Metwide Communications nbn™.

Do I need to be there during the NBN Co installation?

Either you or somebody else over the age of 18 who is authorised to act on your behalf has to be home for the duration of the installation appointment. You will need to be there to let the NBN Co technician in, tell them where you’d like your nbn™ connection box installed, and at the completion of the installation sign a form confirming you’re happy with the location of your installed nbn™ connection box.

Can I keep my existing telephone number to use on the nbn™?

Yes, in most cases we can port your existing telephone number over to the nbn™.

To be sure you keep your phone number, specify that you’d like to keep your existing telephone number when you sign up online.

Alternatively, call our friendly Sales Team on 1300 300 210 to discuss the matter further.

When will the nbn™ network be available in my area?

The nbn™ network is currently being rolled out region-by-region. nbn co anticipate the rollout of the network will take until 2020 to complete.

We have a handy nbn™ coverage map where you can check to see if construction has commenced in your location. Unfortunately we can't provide any timetables if the nbn™ roll-out hasn't started in your area yet. Information in the roll-out map is updated regularly, so keep checking!

You may wish to join our nbn™ Wait List so we’ll let you know how the rollout is progressing and when it will become live in your area.

I already have nbn™. How do I switch my nbn™ provider to Metwide Communications?

If you already have an active nbn™ FTTP, FTTN, FTTB or Fixed Wireless service connected at your address and you'd like to switch to an Metwide Communications nbn™ plan, please call us on 1300 300 210 between 9AM-5PM (AEST), Monday to Friday, to arrange a Service Transfer. Once lodged, Service Transfers typically take less than 2 business days to complete, and downtime is typically less than 24 hours.


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Unit 1 40 George St,
Granville NSW 2142
36 Eagleview Pl,
Eagle Farm QLD 4009
Unit 5, 7 Hinde Street,
Ashmore QLD 4214
1300 300 210 or +61 2 8002 0951
1300 309 035 or +61 2 9760 0069
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